Deforestation Paragraph for ssc & hsc (150, 200 words)

Paragraph on Deforestation

Write a deforestation paragraph by answering the questions given below.

Deforestation Paragraph for ssc & hsc (150, 200 words), azhar bd academy

What is deforestation?  
What are the causes of deforestation,  
How does deforestation impact the Earth?  
How to prevent deforestation?


Deforestation is the widespread removal of forests and trees that's an alarming issue for our planet. The main causes of deforestation include the expansion of agriculture for food, timber for paper products, and wood for urban development.

Deforestation has a significant impact on biodiversity. Forests are the core home for plant and animal species. When these habitats are destroyed, species lose their homes. Forests serve as vital carbon sinks. When trees are cut down and burned, the stored carbon is released back into the atmosphere. It is responsible for exacerbating the greenhouse effect and global warming.

Deforestation can also disrupt local and global water cycles. Trees play a crucial role in retaining soil moisture and preventing soil erosion. Without trees, there is a higher risk of floods, soil erosion, and extreme weather events. People and animals are adversely affected by deforestation. Many indigenous cultures rely on forests for their livelihoods. When their ancestral lands are cleared, it can lead to displacement.

To prevent deforestation, various strategies and initiatives are being taken worldwide. Implementing sustainable forestry practices that involve harvesting trees. To prevent deforestation, sustainable practices, afforestation efforts, and public awareness are essential. It's our collective duty to preserve and protect our forests for the sake of our planet and future generations.

Deforestation paragraph for ssc (150 words)

Deforestation means cutting down a lot of trees and removing forests. It's a big problem because it is responsible for destroying our environment and ecosystem. People usually do it to make space for farms, and houses, or to get wood for things like furniture and paper.

When we cut down forests, it directly affects animals and plants that live there. They lose their homes and can't survive. Trees help clean the air by taking in carbon dioxide and giving us oxygen. When we remove trees, there's more carbon dioxide in the air, which causes climate change and makes our planet warmer.

To protect against deforestation, plant more trees, and support national and international laws. Forests are like the lungs of our planet. So we need to take care of them to keep our world healthy.

Deforestation paragraph for hsc (200 words)

Deforestation means cutting down a lot of trees and clearing forests. It occurs because people need more space for farms, houses, and factories. They want wood for making things like furniture and paper.

Deforestation hurts animals and plants. When we destroy forests, many animals and plants lose their homes. Some of them can't survive anywhere else, so they disappear forever.

Trees are like the Earth's air cleaners. It takes carbon dioxide and gives us oxygen to breathe. When we cut down trees, the carbon dioxide goes back into the air, making our planet warmer. This is what we call climate change. It causes extreme weather and rising sea levels.

Deforestation can also lead to floods and landslides. Trees help hold the soil together and soak up extra water when it rains. When we remove the trees, the soil becomes weaker, and water doesn't stay where it should. This can cause disasters like floods that make people homeless.

To stop deforestation, we need to plant new trees to replace the ones we cut down. and support national and international laws.

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