Modern CV Format for Bangladesh

A modern CV (curriculum vitae) plays a role in demonstrating your qualifications, skills and experience to employers. In today's competitive job market, it's important to make a CV stand out. A modern CV reflects the overall essence of a person's professional and educational journey. In this post, we will show how to write a modern CV for BD and its format.

CV Format for bd?

This format should be followed in writing a modern CV for Bangladesh and for all over the world.  However, the CV format may vary depending on the job or the individual's experience.

Modern CV Format for Bangladesh, azhar bd academy

Modern CV Format - 1

CV Format for bd, azhar bd academy

Modern CV Format - 2

1. Contact information:
This is the header section of the CV where you will have your full name, phone number, email address and LinkedIn profile.

2. Summary/Objective:
Immediately after the title section of the CV, briefly describe your career summary or objectives. Focus on how your skills and experience match the job you're applying for.

3. Work Experience:
List your work experience in order of most recent (most recent work first). Include the job title, company name, location and date of employment in this section. Use bullet points to describe your responsibilities and accomplishments. For example,

Job Title
Company Name
Location (City, State)
Employment Dates (Month and Year)
3-5 bullet points describing your responsibilities and achievements.

4. Education:
Mention the degree you achieved, the institution, and the date of graduation. List your most recently completed degree first. For example,
Degree you achieved
Institution Name
Graduation Date
Result (If needed)

5. Key Skills:
List your skills in this section. It can include both technical skills and soft skills. Customize this section to match the job you are applying for.

6. Achievements and Awards:
Highlight any significant achievements, awards, or recognitions that you achieved through your career or education life (if needed).

7. Languages:
Describe which languages you are proficient in. Which foreign language you can speak? It will reveal your language skills.

8. Additional Sections (Optional):
Depending on your background and the job you are applying for, you may add the following categories such as:

Professional Certifications
Volunteer Work
Hobbies and Interests (if relevant)

Dos and Don'ts in CV Format

  • Use a clean, professional and easy-to-read CV format.
  • Use fonts like Times New Roman, Arial, Calibri etc).
  • Build your CV by emphasizing the most relevant skills and experience.
  • Use a passport-size photo that should be attached to top of the CV.
  • Use keywords or bullet points in job descriptions.
  • Keep the career summary or objective as brief as possible.
  • Avoid overly flashy designs.
  • A two-page CV is acceptable for experienced professionals. Less experience use a one-page CV.
  • Eliminate grammatical errors and inconsistencies in CVs.
  • Review your CV thoroughly for spelling, grammar and punctuation errors.
  • Save your CV in a PDF file.
  • Keep it up to date and adjust it as your career develops.

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